Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
▼ src | |
▼ audio_file | |
▼ include | |
► audio_file | |
audio_file.h | |
▼ combined | |
▼ include | |
► combined | |
► model | |
► presets | |
capsule.h | |
material.h | |
capsule.h | |
hover.h | |
hrtf.h | |
material.h | |
member.h | |
microphone.h | |
min_size_vector.h | |
output.h | |
persistent.h | |
raytracer.h | |
receiver.h | |
scene.h | |
source.h | |
vector.h | |
waveguide.h | |
► serialize | |
capsules.h | |
capsule_base.h | |
engine.h | |
forwarding_call.h | |
full_run.h | |
postprocess.h | |
threaded_engine.h | |
validate_placements.h | |
waveguide_base.h | |
▼ core | |
▼ include | |
► core | |
► attenuator | |
hrtf.h | |
microphone.h | |
null.h | |
► cl | |
common.h | |
geometry.h | |
geometry_structs.h | |
include.h | |
iterator.h | |
representation.h | |
scene_structs.h | |
traits.h | |
triangle.h | |
voxel.h | |
voxel_structs.h | |
► geo | |
box.h | |
geometric.h | |
overlaps_2d.h | |
rect.h | |
tri_cube_intersection.h | |
triangle_vec.h | |
► serialize | |
attenuators.h | |
az_el.h | |
cl.h | |
filter_coefficients.h | |
orientation.h | |
range.h | |
surface.h | |
vec.h | |
► spatial_division | |
► cl | |
ray.h | |
ndim_tree.h | |
range.h | |
scene_buffers.h | |
voxel_collection.h | |
voxelised_scene_data.h | |
almost_equal.h | |
az_el.h | |
azimuth_elevation.h | |
callback_accumulator.h | |
conversions.h | |
cosine_interp.h | |
dc_blocker.h | |
dsp_vector_ops.h | |
environment.h | |
exceptions.h | |
filter_coefficients.h | |
filters_common.h | |
freqz.h | |
gpu_scene_data.h | |
indexing.h | |
kernel.h | |
linear_regression.h | |
maximum_length_sequence.h | |
mixdown.h | |
nan_checking.h | |
orientation.h | |
pressure_intensity.h | |
program_wrapper.h | |
recursive_vector.h | |
reverb_time.h | |
scene_data.h | |
scene_data_loader.h | |
schroeder.h | |
sinc.h | |
sum_ranges.h | |
surfaces.h | |
unit_constructor.h | |
vector_look_up_table.h | |
▼ tests | |
tri_cube_c.h | |
▼ frequency_domain | |
▼ include | |
► frequency_domain | |
buffer.h | |
convolver.h | |
envelope.h | |
fft.h | |
filter.h | |
multiband_filter.h | |
▼ src | |
plan.h | |
traits.h | |
▼ hrtf | |
▼ cmd | |
bracketer.h | |
dir.h | |
▼ lib | |
► include | |
► hrtf | |
entry.h | |
multiband.h | |
▼ raytracer | |
▼ include | |
► raytracer | |
► cl | |
brdf.h | |
reflection.h | |
structs.h | |
► image_source | |
exact.h | |
fast_pressure_calculator.h | |
get_direct.h | |
postprocess.h | |
postprocess_branches.h | |
reflection_path_builder.h | |
run.h | |
tree.h | |
► reflection_processor | |
image_source.h | |
stochastic_histogram.h | |
visual.h | |
► stochastic | |
finder.h | |
postprocess.h | |
postprocessing.h | |
program.h | |
attenuator.h | |
canonical.h | |
histogram.h | |
hit_rate.h | |
iterative_builder.h | |
multitree.h | |
optimum_reflection_number.h | |
postprocess.h | |
pressure.h | |
program.h | |
raytracer.h | |
reflector.h | |
simulation_parameters.h | |
▼ utilities | |
▼ include | |
► utilities | |
► aligned | |
allocator.h | |
list.h | |
map.h | |
set.h | |
unordered_map.h | |
unordered_set.h | |
vector.h | |
apply.h | |
decibels.h | |
event.h | |
foldl.h | |
for_each.h | |
identity.h | |
is_tuple.h | |
map.h | |
map_to_vector.h | |
mapping_iterator_adapter.h | |
named_value.h | |
popcount.h | |
progress_bar.h | |
range.h | |
scoped_thread.h | |
string_builder.h | |
threaded_queue.h | |
threading_policies.h | |
tuple_like.h | |
type_debug.h | |
▼ waveguide | |
▼ compensation_signal | |
► lib | |
► include | |
► compensation_signal | |
compile_time.h | |
waveguide.h | |
▼ include | |
► waveguide | |
► cl | |
boundary_index_array.h | |
filter_structs.h | |
filters.h | |
structs.h | |
utils.h | |
► postprocessor | |
directional_receiver.h | |
node.h | |
► preprocessor | |
gaussian.h | |
hard_source.h | |
soft_source.h | |
► serialize | |
coefficients_canonical.h | |
arbitrary_magnitude_filter.h | |
attenuator.h | |
bandpass_band.h | |
boundary_adjust.h | |
boundary_coefficient_finder.h | |
boundary_coefficient_program.h | |
calibration.h | |
canonical.h | |
config.h | |
filters.h | |
fitted_boundary.h | |
frequency_domain_envelope.h | |
make_transparent.h | |
mesh.h | |
mesh_descriptor.h | |
mesh_setup_program.h | |
pcs.h | |
postprocess.h | |
program.h | |
setup.h | |
simulation_parameters.h | |
stable.h | |
waveguide.h | |