
Rvalue references, move semantics, and perfect forwarding

void f (Widget&& w); // w is an lvalue

The rvalue ref is used for selecting a suitable overload of the function. Inside the function, the parameter is always an lvalue (because it’s named).

Understand std::move and std::forward

These are just shorthands for specific casts.

Neither function does anything other than casting. They both compile to nothing.

Casting to rvalue using move will usually cause the compiler to select an overload of the function being called which takes an rvalue argument (if available). However, this doesn’t always work.

Calling move on a const lvalue will result in a const rvalue, which will match const lvalue overloads better than non-const rvalue overloads, probably resulting in an unexpected copy-constructor call.

Foo (const std::string str)
    : value { std::move (str) } {} // oops, copy constructor call!
std::string value;

Don’t declare objects const if you want to move from them (including objects returned from functions).

forward is a conditional cast:

void process (const Widget&);
void process (Widget&&);

template <typename T>
void logAndProcess (T&& t) // here t is an lvalue, but T may be an lvalue or rvalue ref type
    process (t); // always selects the lvalue overload
    process (std::move (t)); // always selects the rvalue overload
    process (std::forward<T> (t)); // preserves the type of t by reconstructing it from T

Although forward can be used in more situations, it requires providing a template argument, which is a potential source of error, so move should be preferred in situations where an unconditional rvalue cast is required.


Distinguish universal references from rvalue references

When using && in the context of template parameters in the form T&& or auto&& deduction, we are declaring a forwarding reference which can bind to either rvalues or lvalues.

In other contexts (ConcreteType&&, std::vector<T>&&, const T&&), the expression is a plain rvalue reference, which can only bind to rvalues.

In particular, in a template class, the following is a plain rvalue reference, because no type deduction is happening at the point that the function is instantiated:

template <typename T>
class MyClass
  void push_back (T&&); // No type deduction, not a forwarding reference!

  template <typename... Ts>
  void emplace_back (Ts&&...); // Types are deduced, forwarding references

auto&& universal references are useful for declaring forwarding reference arguments to generic lambdas:

auto lambda = [] (auto&& arg) // This is a forwarding reference
  process (std::forward<decltype (arg)> (arg));


Use std::move on rvalue references, std::forward on forwarding references

An rvalue reference can only bind to an rvalue, which is a candidate for moving. Rvalue references should be unconditionally cast to rvalues when forwarding them to other functions:

void sink (ConcreteType&& ct) // can only be called on rvalues
  collection.add (std::move (ct));

A forwarding reference can bind to both lvalues and rvalues, but unexpectedly moving-from an lvalue would be surprising! Forwarding references should be conditionally cast to rvalues (using std::forward), depending on whether or not the reference is bound to an rvalue.

// Imagine code like this:
ConcreteType ct;
process (ct);             // unsafe to move
process (ConcreteType{}); // safe to move

template <typename T>
void process (T&& t) // can be called on lvalues or rvalues
  // BAD, the user won't expect lvalues to be moved-from
  collection.add (std::move (t));

template <typename T>
void process (T&& t) // can be called on lvalues or rvalues
  // GOOD, `t` will only be moved-from if it the argument was an rvalue
  collection.add (std::forward<T> (t));

In cases where type conversions may take place (e.g. converting from a string literal to a string, or from a lambda to a function), using forwarding references will likely be cheaper than explicitly naming types and materialising temporaries:

// BAD Passing a plain lambda here will create a temporary `std::function`
void setCallback (std::function<void()>&& f)
  // This line will invoke the move assignment operator
  callback = std::move (f);
  // The destructor of the temporary will be called here

// GOOD No temporary generated
template <typename Callback>
void setCallback (Callback&& f)
  // This line directly invokes the assignment operator which takes any
  // function-like argument
  callback = std::forward<Callback> (f);
  // No temporary to destroy here

If a forwarded argument is used multiple times in a function, ensure that only the final use of the argument is moved or forwarded.

template <typename Contents>
void setContents (Contents&& c)
  hash = computeHash (c); // Does not consume c
  contents = std::forward<Contents> (c); // Consumes c

The compiler will employ Return Value Optimisation (RVO) in cases where:

In such cases, it is harmful to explicitly move/forward the result of a function:

Widget createWidget()
  Widget w;
  // BAD, disables RVO because this returns a reference to a local object,
  // not the object itself
  return std::move (w);

The compiler is required to treat the object being returned as an rvalue anyway if the conditions for RVO are met.

One case where the conditions for RVO may not be met is modifying and then returning an argument:

template <typename T>
T process (T&& t)
  // RVO cannot be applied because `t` is not a local object, we need to
  // explicitly avoid a copy here in the case that `t` was bound to an rvalue
  return std::forward<T> (t);


Avoid overloading on forwarding references

Functions taking forwarding references will match almost any kind of argument. If one overload of a function has a forwarding reference parameter, it will generally be a better match than other overloads which would require implicit conversions, even widening conversions (e.g. short to int).

Constructors taking forwarding references are especially dangerous, because such a constructor may be a better match than copy/move constructors, leading to surprising compilation failures when attempting to copy/move instances.


Familiarise yourself with alternatives to overloading on universal references

Some options:

Note that the tag/if-constexpr/sfinae approaches could lead to some really incomprehensible error messages, so they’re probably only worth it in super-generic or performance-critical cases. In those cases, some well-placed static_asserts could help make error messages a bit more comprehensible.


Understand reference collapsing

In some contexts, the compiler might end up producing a reference to a reference:

template <typename T>
void func (T&& t);

Widget w;
func (w); // pass an lvalue

// T is deduced to be `Widget&`, giving this signature
void func (Widget& && t);

If either reference is an lvalue reference, the result is an lvalue ref. Otherwise, the result is an rvalue ref.

So the example above would collapse to:

void func (Widget& t);

Remember that templates with forwarding reference parameters will deduce the template type to be an lvalue ref if the argument is an lvalue, or a plain value (non-ref type) if the argument is an rvalue.

std::forward works by checking the type of its template argument. It will only cast its argument to an rvalue if the template argument has a non-reference type. Its implementation relies on reference collapsing.

template auto forward (std::remove_reference_t arg) { return static_cast<T&&> (arg); }

Reference collapsing happens in a few contexts:


Assume that move operations are not present, not cheap, and not used

Not all types support move operations (e.g. types with explicit copy ops or destructors that haven’t been updated with move ops).

Objects that are moveable may still be expensive to move. Moving a std::array requires moving each individual element, so it will be expensive for larger arrays.

Sometimes an object’s move operations cannot be used because they might throw, violating some exception safety guarantee.

In generic code, you cannot be certain that all types involved will be noexcept-moveable, so care should be taken that code performs acceptably whether or not moveable types are used. This might involve use of perfect forwarding, switching implementations depending on move-noexceptness using if constexpr etc.

For code that uses concrete types, this is less of a concern, because it’s easy to find out whether those types offer cheap move semantics.


Familiarise yourself with perfect forwarding failure cases

The goal of perfect forwarding is to pass a function’s arguments to another function, preserving their types, rvalue/lvalue-ness, and const/volatile-ness. This is achieved using forwarding references:

template <typename... Ts>
void fwd (Ts&&... ts)
  inner (std::forward<Ts> (ts)...);

Perfect forwarding fails when:

Unfortunately, these things do happen…

Braced initialisers: supposing ‘inner’ has the signature

void inner (const std::vector<int>&);

the expression fwd ({1, 2, 3}) will fail to compile, because the compiler is unable to deduce a type for raw braced initialisers when they are used as a template function argument. (This happens a surprising amount when converting code from using raw constructor calls to using make_unique.)

0 or NULL as null pointers: 0/NULL are integer, not pointer types, so they cannot be perfect-forwarded as pointer arguments. Use nullptr instead!

Declaration-only integral static const data members: This one really is an edge case. In a class like this:

class Widget {
  static const int num = 4;

Uses of Widget::num will be ‘const-propagated’; the compiler will insert the integral value directly each time it is used, which means that num doesn’t need to have an address of its own.

If we were to call inner (Widget::num), this would be transformed to inner (4). However, if we call fwd (Widget::num), the code will compile but it won’t link (on some implementations)! fwd passes num by reference, which means that num needs to exist at an address. In this case, we would also need a single definition of num in addition to the declaration in the class.

const int Widget::num;

Overloaded function names and template names: If you pass the name of a function which is part of an overload set to fwd, the compiler won’t be able to deduce its type (because there are multiple functions with different types which share that name). The same goes if passing a template function to fwd (the compiler can’t deduce the template arguments of the passed function).

Bitfields: A non-const reference shall not be bound to a bit-field (because individual bits cannot be directly addressed on hardware).

struct Options {
  std::uint8_t foo: 1,
               bar: 1,
               baz: 1;
Options options;
fwd (; // error!
fwd (static_cast<std::uint8_t> (; // works, because it copies the field
