
Moving to Modern C++

Distinguish between () and {} when creating objects

C++11 introduces uniform initialisation which uses {}. Braced initialisation gives us new ways to initialise objects, such as constructing vectors directly with the desired contents, and specifying initial values for class data members.

Good bits

Braced initialisation disallows narrowing conversions, whereas parens do not. Not that much difference if you already use compiler flags to disallow narrowing conversions.

double x { 0.0 };
int y { x }; // error!

Braced init allows us to work around the ‘most vexing parse’.

Widget w(); // looks like we're declaring a function
Widget w{}; // looks like a default constructor call

Bad bits

Using braces will always prefer a constructor taking an initializer_list, if one is available. Be careful around vectors and other std collections! Note that ‘empty braces’ still means a normal default constructor call.

Also, be careful when adding/removing overloads which take initializer_lists, as you might silently break dependent code.

If you’re writing a variadic make function, consider documenting whether you use parens or braces to construct the inner object, as the two may have considerably different semantics.

Prefer nullptr to 0 and NULL

nullptr is a pointer type (kinda, it’s a nullptr_t). 0 and NULL are integer types.

If you use 0 or NULL, you’re in danger of calling overloads taking integral types, where you probably meant to call an overload taking a ptr type.

nullptr never converts to an integer, so you’re in no danger of accidentally calling an overload taking an integral argument.

Even so, you should still avoid overloading ints and pointers!

Prefer alias declarations to typedefs

using looks much nicer than typedef when aliasing function types.

using can be templated, which is much more concise than writing template metafunctions.

template <typename T>
using MyList = std::list<T, MyAlloc<T>>;
// vs
template <typename T>
struct MyList {
    typedef std::list<T, MyAlloc<T>> type;

Using these template aliases is nicer too, because you don’t need to access inner types, or use typename:

auto x = MyList<T>{};
// vs
auto x = typename MyList<T>::type{};

The stdlib has a few new metafunctions with aliases for type conversions/operations in the <type_traits> header.

Prefer scoped enums to unscoped enums

Scoped enums (enum classes) reduce namespace pollution, because the enumerator names don’t leak into the enclosing namespace, unlike unscoped enums.

Scoped enums are more strongly typed, and don’t implicitly convert to integers. They can also be forward-declared.

Prefer deleted functions to private undefined ones

Deleted functions warn you during compilation if the function is used. Preferable to other approaches (making private and leaving undefined), which tend to warn during link instead.

Deleting functions works everywhere (not just special member functions). e.g. you can delete operator new on a class to disallow heap allocation for that type…

Declare overriding functions override

Lots of conditions must be met in order for a derived class function to override (not overload!) a base class function:

It’s very easy to change one of these properties in a base class e.g. while refactoring, leading to breakage when derived class functions no longer override base class functions.

Declaring a derived class function override will make the compiler check that the function is in fact overriding a base class function.

New rules

No override necessary on overriding destructors

Prefer const_iterators to iterators

The stdlib used to have poor const_iterator support. It was difficult to obtain const_iterators from mutable containers, and most container member functions only accepted iterator arguments instead of const_iterators.

iterator and const_iterator are fundamentally different types, and it’s generally unsafe to cast between them.

In modern C++, there’s a few ways to get const iterators:

std::vector<int> values;
auto a = values.cbegin();
auto b = std::cbegin (values);
auto c = std::as_const (values).begin();

In generic code, prefer non-member versions of begin, end etc. over member varieties, as more types of collection are able to support the non-member versions (e.g. C arrays).

For bonus points, you can do this, which will use specialised versions of cbegin/cend from the container’s type’s namespace if available, and will fall back to the std functions if no custom versions are present.

using std::cbegin;
using std::cend;
auto it = std::find(cbegin(container), cend(container), value);

New rules

Use functions accepting ranges rather than iterator pairs where possible. Prefer non-member utility functions over member functions in generic code. Using member functions is fine if you know the concrete type!

Declare functions noexcept if they won’t emit exceptions

Old-style exception specifications are deprecated in C++11. They’re replaced by noexcept.

noexcept becomes part of a function’s interface, a bit like const. Calling code is able to query the noexceptness of an expression in a similar way to decltype:

void may_throw();
void no_throw() noexcept;

static_assert(! noexcept(may_throw()));

If a noexcept function emits an exception, the program is terminated. The stack is not guaranteed to be unwound before termination, which gives the optimiser fewer constraints, which means generated code will likely be faster.

Some standard library collections (like vector) offer a ‘strong exception safety’ guarantee on some member functions, so that the state of the collection remains valid and known in the event of a thrown exception. If move operations on the container element type are not noexcept, the collection may decide to copy rather than move elements in order to maintain the exception guarantee. This will result in slow code with lots of copies! It’s critical that custom move operations are noexcept whenever possible for this reason.

Note that removing noexcept from a function may break client code that depends on the exception specification of the function. It’s important to be certain that the function will never ever need to throw an exception.

New rules

If you write a custom move (or swap) op, make it noexcept if at all possible. If a function doesn’t (and never could) throw an exception, mark it noexcept. If you’re writing realtime-compatible functions, aim to make them noexcept. Consider some keyword/macro for realtime-compatible functions.

Use constexpr wherever possible

constexpr values are values which are known during compilation. They are implicitly const, and can be used in situations where a plain const variable wouldn’t be sufficient (e.g. as an array size).

constexpr functions produce compile-time constants when they are called with compile-time constants. If they’re called with values that are only known at runtime, the function will produce runtime values.

User-defined types can also be used in constexpr contexts, if they have a constexpr constructor. In C++14, even non-const member functions can be constexpr (examples of this in the iterators module!).

By using constexpr wherever possible, you maximise the range of situations in which your objects and functions may be used. Similar to noexcept, clients may come to depend on the constexprness of your functions, so think carefully!

New rules

In practice, the implementations of constexpr/non-constexpr functions might need to be considerably different in order to get the required performance of each scenario. Apply careful thought!

Prefer constexpr variables to other compile-time constructs (enums, defines, etc.)

constexpr variables inside a function should probably be static (?)

Make const member functions thread safe

Having two threads perform a read operation (calling a const member function) without synchronisation should ideally be safe. However, if said const member is lazily evaluated and does in fact modify a mutable member, there will be a data race if two threads call the function at the same time. In such situations, the race might be fixed using normal thread safety techniques (e.g. using atomics, adding+locking a mutex).

Obviously, be careful if you have multiple data members that must be updated ‘simultaneously’. Using atomics is unlikely to work in this situation, as atomic updates may be interleaved in undesirable ways, duplicating work or breaking object invariants.

If you can guarantee that a const member will never be called in a concurrent context, you likely don’t need synchronisation.

If your const member doesn’t modify the state of the object, you likely don’t need synchronisation.

New rules

Be careful with mutable data members, make sure you have synchronisation if you’re modifying mutable members from const functions.

If for some reason you’ve elected to make your const member thread-unsafe, make sure that’s clear!

Understand special member function generation

That’s the

These functions are only generated if needed. They are implicitly public and inline. They’re nonvirtual, unless the generated function is a destructor for a class whose base has a virtual destructor.

Declaring either of the move ops will prevent the compiler from generating the other, so declare both or neither.

Move ops won’t be generated if the class declares a copy op. Similarly, copy ops won’t be generated if the class declares a move op.

Move ops won’t be generated if the class declares a destructor. That means that if you add a virtual (defaulted) destructor on a base class, that class will no longer be moveable.

So, it’s normally best to declare either all or none of special members. Remember to declare the move ops noexcept!

New rules

Write lots of default members hooooray If you’re writing a move-only type, it’s fine not to declare copy ops If you’re writing a listener base class, the type shouldn’t be moveable (consider explicitly deleting the move ops to show intent)