

Prefer auto to explicit type declarations

Use the explicitly typed initializer idiom when auto deduces undesired types

Sometimes using the exact type of some expression introduces errors. In the case of auto b = getVecOfBool()[i];, b is not a bool, it’s some object which contains a reference back to the vector. If the vector goes out of scope before we read from b, then we’ll encounter UB.

Libraries that rely on expression templates (I think Eigen does this) also do not interact well with auto - they need types to be mentioned explicitly in order to concretise/evaluate the expression.

The solution: put the type on the RHS. Meyers suggests using static_cast but that looks pretty ugly. A decent alternative from Herb Sutter’s blog post on Almost Always Auto is just to do

auto x = MyType { some.complex.expression() };

Putting the type on the RHS is preferable to the LHS, because you can still use auto to force initialisation, and it looks more uniform/consistent.