
C++17 in Detail: Chapter 9 - std::any



assert (! a.has_value());


* initialisation with an object:

std::any a2 { 10 }; // int

std::any a3 { MyType { 10, 11 } };


* `in_place`:

std::any a4 { std::in_place_type, 10, 11 };

std::any a5 { std::in_place_type, “Hello World” };


* `make_any`

std::any a6 = std::make_any { "Hello World” };

## Changing the value:

* assignment operator:

std::any a;

a = MyType (10, 11);

a = std::string (“Hello”);


* `emplace`

a.emplace (100.5f);

a.emplace<std::vector> ({ 10, 11, 12, 13 });

a.emplace (10, 11);

## Accessing:

std::any var = 10;

// read access (just copies) auto a = std::any_cast (var);

// read/write access through a reference: std::any_cast<int&> (var) = 11;

// read/write through a pointer: int* ptr = std::any_cast (&var); *ptr = 12;

* Pointer will return nullptr if not the correct type
   * Otherwise Will throw `std::bad_any_cast` if calling on an incorrect type

struct MyType { int a, b; MyType (int x, int y) : a (x), b (y) { } void print() { std::cout « a « ”, “ « b « ‘\n’; } };

int main() { std::any var = std::make_any (10, 10);

    std::any_cast<MyType&> (var).print();
    std::any_cast<MyType&> (var).a = 11; // read/write
    std::any_cast<MyType&> (var).print();
    std::any_cast<int> (var); // throw!
catch (const std::bad_any_cast& e)
    std::cout << e.what() << '\n';

int* p = std::any_cast<int> (&var);

std::cout << (p ? "contains an int... \n" : "doesn't contain an int...\n");

if (MyType* pt = std::any_cast<MyType> (&var); pt)
    pt->a = 12;
    std::any_cast<MyType&> (var).print();
} }


10, 10 11, 10 bad any_cast doesn’t contain an int… 12, 10 ```