
Language Clarification

Stricter Expression Evaluation Order

In C++14, the following code can leak if an exception is thrown at a specific point:

callFunction (std::unique_ptr<T> (new T), std::unique_ptr<U> (new U));

The compiler may choose (in C++14) to order the evaluation of the expression like so:

  1. new T
  2. new U
  3. std::unique_ptr<T> (...)
  4. std::unique_ptr<U> (...)

If the constructor of U were to throw, the new T instance would leak, because it wouldn’t yet be captured in a RAII wrapper. To counteract this surprising behaviour, it was recommended to use make_ functions to ensure that all resources were immediately managed by RAII wrappers. However, for unique_ptrs with custom destructors (for example) this wasn’t always easy.

As of C++17, any function parameter is fully evaluated before the next is started. Complex nested expressions can’t be interleaved as they may have been previously.

foo (a (b), c (d));

Here, a (b) and c (d) will always be evaluated in one go, although the relative ordering of these full expressions is unspecified.

For chained function calls, expressions will always be evaluated left-to-right, where everything left of a . will be evaluated before evaluating the rhs.

a (b).c (d);

Now, a (b) will always be computed before d.

Sequencing on other operators has also been more strictly specified, with user-defined comma operators, &&, || now offering left-to-right sequencing which is particularly useful when writing fold expressions (another new C++17 feature).

As always, if the sequencing of an expression is important/unclear, split the expression into multiple statements with explicit sequencing.

Guaranteed Copy Elision

Guaranteeing copy elision is useful for:

Return Value Optimisation was already allowed (but not guaranteed) under certain circumstances in C++14, when

C++17 now guarantees copy elision in some circumstances. Now, even types without copy/move constructors can be returned from functions. Copy elision happens when:

A prvalue is an expression whose evaluation initialises an object, where the expression itself has no name and its address cannot be taken.

Note that Named Return Value Optimsation is still not guaranteed, so code that relies on copy elision for named locals objects may not be portable. However, eliding copies for prvalues is portable.

Dynamic Memory Allocation for Over-Aligned Data

Prior to C++17, new wasn’t guaranteed to honor over-alignment for allocated types (memory was only guaranteed to have the minimum necessary alignment for the type, so that all instances of fundamental types making up the object had the correct alignment).

If your type is marked with alignas then operator new will now automatically use the requested alignment for the type.

#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

int main()
    class alignas (128) Overaligned {};
    const auto vec = std::vector<Overaligned> (100);
    return reinterpret_cast<std::intptr_t> ( % alignof (Overaligned);

The above now builds to something like:

main:                                   # @main
        pushq   %rbx
        movl    $12800, %edi            # imm = 0x3200
        movl    $128, %esi
        callq   operator new(unsigned long, std::align_val_t) # oh hey, an alignment parameter!
        movl    %eax, %ebx
        andl    $127, %ebx
        testq   %rax, %rax
        je      .LBB0_2
        movl    $128, %esi
        movq    %rax, %rdi
        callq   operator delete(void*, std::align_val_t)
        movl    %ebx, %eax
        popq    %rbx

Exception Specifications in the Type System

Pointers to noexcept functions can be converted to non-noexcept function pointers, but the reverse is not allowed. Virtually overriding a noexcept function is only possible with another noexcept function, and noexcept functions are allowed to override non-noexcept functions too.

Apparently, having this information at the type level allows the compiler to generate faster code, although I’m not sure why. Just remember to mark functions noexcept where possible!

Note that noexcept doesn’t form part of the function signature (like the return type), so functions differing only in their noexceptness cannot be overloaded. (This is not completely clear in the book IMO.)